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    Bathroom and kitchen remodel part 2 (willy st.)

    The bathroom is coming along nicely, mostly finished now.  All the painting has been completed by my Madison painters. The new tub and shower is a huge improvement, allowing the new tenant more room. The floor was leveled and a new sink was installed. All the plumbing was moved to maximize the usable space, which is at a minimum.  A fresh coat of paint later, and this room is looking pretty nice. 

    Willy St. bathroom after photoArtisan Remodel bathroom painted by Eric Welch Painting

    As you can see, both bathrooms have their own characteristics. The bathroom on the left, is a remodel done on a budget for a rental unit and the one on the right, was completed for the homeowner by Artisan Remodel, a Madison area custom builder. Each type of remodel has its place. For before photos of the Willy St. remodel visit this blog post. Be warned, it is not a pretty sight. 

    EWP will typically only paint a finished bathroom or kitchen remodel after the builder has finished. 

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