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Contact Info

1341 Spaight St.

Madison, WI 53703



Interior & Exterior Rental Property Painting Services

Rental properties need maintenance more frequently than most homes.  The tenants may have been rough on the hallways, moving furniture in and out over the years. We understand and are happy to help. If you have a preferred paint we can use it, but we always recommend a low-VOC alternative to the traditional paint choices. It’s important to get a durable, washable surface that will last for many years. Whatever the budget, whatever the size of the project, our painters can deliver.

Exteriors are just as important and should stand the test of time. We proudly stand behind the work we do and offer a three-year warranty. If the city of Madison is threatening a citation for pealing lead paint, then give us a call for fast and painless rental property painting. We are certified lead-safe renovators and repainting old homes is our specialty.